Pregnancy & Labor

 | During Pregnancy |   | Labor and Delivery |   | A New Life |

First Trimester

When I found out I was pregnant I had mixed feelings.  I was nervous, excited, scared and elated at the same time. I was not expecting to be expecting but Ryan pointed out to me that just because we were surprised, it did not mean that we were not ready.

During the first trimester I was very sick.  I had hyperamesis (severe morning sickness) that kept me from work for three weeks. I was in the hospital for a few

April 9th: 16 weeks

May 14th:  21 weeks

Sept 25th
That ‘thingy’ in the middle of the pic is proof that its a boy :)

days. Ryan held down the fort in the meantime.  He even cooked every now and then.

Second Trimester

When baby Roshawn kicked me for the first time it was then that I got the astounding feeling that I had something amazing growing inside of me.  Its very difficult to explain...

On May 14th we went to get a sonogram to check if the baby organs were developing properly.  The doctor told me the baby’s sex.  Ryan didn’t want to know. But after playing mind games w/ him for a while he was begging me to tell him. He was so happy when he found out. He told everyone.  He always wanted a boy for his first child.

Almost every night Ryan will read and talk to baby Roshawn.  He swore that he could hear him. It was quite amusing listening to him talking to his son.

Third Trimester

We took Lamaze classes for a month to help get us in the child-birthing frame of mind.  We watched a lot of films, went over breathing and relaxation techniques and talked a lot about pain and dealing with it. 

I also started visiting to my obstetrician more frequently.  I was putting on a lot of weight on a weekly basis.

Click to enlarge pictures

The Night Before :)
159 lbs

6 Months
192 lbs

7 Months
203 lbs

8.5 Months
212 lbs

Next Page: Labor and Delivery

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